Work Confessions of a Narcissist

Fact. I am a narcissist. I first ventured into my retail career about two years ago. When I got one of my first management jobs, it took me a few months to really settle in my role and really become a dope bosslady. But once I got there…..I was living the high life. People were … More Work Confessions of a Narcissist


Originally posted on Bakersfield Nobody:
Chalk. Chalk. And more Chalk. This past weekend the Bakersfield Museum of Art (aka BMOA…..and yes we have an art museum) held its 17th annual Via Arte Italian Street Painting Festival. Now, if you aren’t super up to date with your art terms nor art history, you might be deceived…

Dope Artists: Bety Avila

Originally posted on Bakersfield Nobody:
It all started with Instagram.  I started following this really cool “organization” that showcases street art in Mexico City (future post).  They started posting progress pictures of a mural that was being painted by Mexican artist Bety Avila. I had no idea who she was, but I remember the pictures looking…

Dope Artists: Mel Kadel

Originally posted on Bakersfield Nobody:
It’s no secret that I’ve been indulging in the greatness that the art world has to offer lately…………but…… Mel Kadel is where it all began. I’m not exactly sure how old I was (but deff. in high school), I remember walking into Beach Works (currently Mainland) inside Valley Plaza and…